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21 Day Hypnodiet

Three weeks, three tracks, three times a week. This album targets problem areas for dieters, self image, motivation and maintenance. Have a wee rest in a comfy space to achieve your goals what could be better than that? Most Weight loss hypnosis downloads have merit, but sometimes there is more than one area of life creating a challenge for maintaining permanent weight goals. Honestly weight management should not be a trial, it should be as natural as breathing.


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7 Root Causes of Disease

Emotional distress over a life time can cause many issues within the body & mind. Reliving past circumstances are not required for this type of healing as remembering is usually the problem, not forgetting. For many, the main issue is not realizing the connection between the trauma and current behaviours, experiences and physical pain.These can affect how you think, what you believe, how you age and what disorders you are predisposed to. Understanding the root causes and moving into healing mode is a profound and exceptional experience offering release in a unique way. Listen to this hypnosis as many times as you need, especially if you feel drawn to more than one of the root causes to effectively eliminate the connection to them. 


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Anxiety Release

Anxiety can wreak havoc in any life, General anxiety that pops in at bed time, white knuckling in a traffic jam or being stressed for 24 hours before the weekly meeting can all lead to arguments and complicated relationships. Being tired, getting headaches along with many other health issues including thyroid problems are not only linked to anxiety, but often cause health issues. This 25 minute Hypnosis is a lovely way to bring you to a new point of relaxation which leads you to feel more energized and less likely to flare up over minor issues. Listen as often as you like, in particular a few times the first week you download it to feel freer and more in sync with your lif


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Astral Projection

Astral projection sometimes called astral travelling, is truly the realm of the mind and can, be put to good use. This is a lovely meditation offering you a great environment and being full length you have plenty of time to have a great experience . Time is an interesting concept, during hypnosis and meditations my clients rarely realize the time spent 'under' as time becomes subjective while exploring a mindscape. Astral projection is a skill used in any psychic development or just for the fun of giving it a go.


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Chakra Activation & Expansion

Chakra activation is where most spiritual practices start, chakra expansion is how we maintain the openness for the journey. There are esoteric and practical uses for working with chakras and in ths1 hour and 20 minute meditation you will gain all the benefits of working in a class or with a practitioner. Discover what makes you tick or open your mind to revelations that are out of this world.  Repeate as often as you need to start and then at will, when you feel you are a bit blocked or can't see a way forward spiritually or personally this guided meditation will get things moving again. Results may vary for different customers. 


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Change Habits

changing your life can be as simple as changing your mind Habitual thoughts can induce stress where the thoughts are not relative to the present moment but based in a past moment that was traumatic, not all stress is anxiety toward a future. After a quick look at stress in your body this hypnosis moves to habit changing, this can be used on its own as often as you like, working a different habit of thought or action with each use. This is the New Years Resolution hypnotherapy that breaks cycles that no longer serve you, while introducting new behaviours in any area you like.


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Chill Pill

Be calm every day, sleep like a bab!


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Learn faster, retain information and recall at will. Whether you are a student, a problem solver, have deadlines ro exams or starting a new job that requires you to take on new knowledge, this hypnosis will give you the confidence and ability to do whatever you need to do by focusing without distraction and applying yourself to whatever task you have in front of you. 


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DNA Reset & Repair is a full hypnosis that is a bit like hitting the undo button on a computer program. Your DNA has a basic structure that is always in tact, it is written into new cells when they divide. Over this we have changes that come into effect by teaching and development or experience, there are also changes created by taking medications over time. Bruce Lipton's Biology of Belief shows that we can be 'trained' into patterns that have a damaging impact on our cells and genetic sequences, these are called epigenetics.Epigenetic changes are reversible and do not change your DNA sequence, but they can change how your body reads a DNA sequence and genetic expression. The emerging science is exciting and explains that we can talk ourselves into illness, so logically we can also talk our way out of it. 


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Eat Less, Lose Weight

I don't overeat i just need to exercise more! Whether you fall into the category of eating good food food or not, overeating will cause problems and while you may not be completely over the top, all overeating leads to weight gain. The smallest things make the biggest difference and for many it is trimming that extra potato, or stopping the intake when full. This is not a hypnosis about food type, just overeating, even if it is one of a number of diet related problems many benefits come from reducing quantities, not the least being feeling good about yourself and not feeling you have to make excuses. Give it a go, this is an affordable way to have help in your pocket, on your phone, in your computer or on your ipod.


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Falcon Guide Meditation

This meditation is an amazing introduction to working with guides. By opening yourself to new possibilities you can go forward and connect to personal guides or encourage experiences from a meditative stand point


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Financial Wellbieng

There is no shame in focusing on your financial needs, it is a necessity in life and without money we can't pay the bills or put food on the table. When you are struggling or feel blocked at every turn, it is time to change your mind and increase your confidence levels. Become a money magnet by listening to this download every day for a while and then every time you feel the need to maintain confidence in yourself and your abilities. 


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Heart to Heart

Heart to heart communication is a true form of expression, without manipulation or anger this form of energetic connection is what we tend to dream of but find so difficult to achieve. it is genuine, spiritual and loving at all times. this meditation can bring closure or resolution to issues in relationships of any kind.


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Instant Recall

Finding that you get a bit muddled when trying to recall something? Feeling anxious when studying for that exam? Perhaps you want to learn a new skill, language or take up a new hobby but aren't confident in your abilities. Almost all learning and certainly all wisdom comes from our memory base. Mostly Memory itself isn't the problem but recall is the issue. If you have every studied for something only to forget everything when you need to remember, and then to recall perfectly when you no longer need it, you will understand there are a few factors involved. Mostly the fear of forgetting or missing something is at the root of things. This hypnosis bridges the gap between what is held perfectly safely in your mind, and your ability to access it at will. Dynamite for students of anything or those who have a bit too much on their minds to remember their friends name or where they put their keys. If anxiety plays a role in memory issues, create a mini program starting with anxiety and then moving to instant recall. 


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Lower Blood Pressure

Lowering Blood pressure can be life saving at it's most extreme but can also reduce anger and hot flushes.This Meditation helps reduce heart rate and blood pressure and can be used to reduce anxiety responses to stressful situations. Quickly calm heart rate and rising anxiety. Practice the technique a number of times and it can become an automatic calming response and ongoing blood pressure management.  Always check with your medical professional for heart issues as results may vary..


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Manifest Good Fortune

Good fortune is possible with consistent thinking, shifting frequently between potential, feel great about how abundance is working for you to despondency when things don't go your way. Manifest Good Fortune deals with blocks and resistance to wealth, good luck and more. Good people can be wealthy, good people can be poor. Those that have good fortune don't always deserve it and those that are down on their luck don't always deserve that either. Set your mind and focus with this awesome Hypnosis. listen frequently to start to overcome your inner fears and recognize when good fortune is right in front of you. 


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Overcome Anxiety

General Anxiety is not so easy to pin down in particular where trauma and events of the past contribute. This hypnosis is second to none in detaching while creating new potentials.


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Pain Free

Chronic pain can have a devastating effect on moods, sleep, work and relationships. Even a fairly mild pain that just doesn't go away can bring you down. If you have ongoing pain do see a doctor, but if you have a diagnosis and pain is a common event for you, this hypnotherapy will be of endless relief improving the quality of sleep and the ability to relax in most cases. Dorothy Holders a Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy and has worked regularly with arthritis sufferers and auto immune sufferers. 


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Past Life Regression

Past life regression offers an amazing experience. Whether you are developing spiritually or just curious this hypnotherapy is the fastest way to achieve a memory that at the very least will be interesting. There are current life past situations that may present for healing before moving to pre life experiences. Listen as many times as you wish. 


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Purple Plate Meditation

Purple Plate Meditation helps deal with negative thinking so it doesn't build up into anger or anxiety. Done regularly it becomes an awesome tool in any day and any time to keep one in a balanced state even after difficult moments. 15 minutes. 


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Quit Smoking

A wise man once said, 'Smokers have a cigarette so that they can feel like non smokers feel all the time'. Quit Smoking today! This download will help you get through the process of withdrawal and breathing easier, saving money and returning to full health. It is never too late to stop a habit that causes harm, and the very desire to stop, indicates that you are well over it.  Listen as often as you want to start with and let nature take its course.


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Rainbow Fountain

An energetic experience: This meditation offers a new and different experience invigorating and relaxing at the same time, you are led into a sensing environment for the simple pleasure of doing so where you can relax, explore and energize.


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Reach your Potential

Reaching your potential is a big deal, you may feel you have lost your inspiration, or find it hard to get motivated to do the things you love. Potential is the key to youth, as long as you have a goal, something to strive for and find pleasure in seeking out the very best you can be, you will feel vibrant and attract opportunities to enhance your life. 


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Relaxing Pool Meditation

This beautiful meditation is cleansing, relaxing and allows you to cool heated emotions and thoughts. It is particularly good after a stressful period where you find yourself unable to wind down. It is best to listen with a headset for full effect, there is a detoxification element which means drinking water afterward will be beneficial.


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Release the EX

Releasing past relationships can be a very real challenge. This hypnotherapy aids you in letting go of anyone that has left you feeling damaged, traumatized or hurt, if you can't move past grief or that sense of loss, anger or hoping that someone who left you will come back, this will move you into a new groove. It will ensure you are open to new friendships, positive relationships and fresh partnerships without carrying the baggage of the past with you. 


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Rest & Relaxation

If you are having trouble relaxing after work or difficult periods, stress or habits prevent you from sleeping, this is the Hypnotherapy for you. Play later in the evening or after you have gone to bed to ensure a good nights sleep or after you get home from work and settle in for the evening to allow tensions to slip away for the evening while also encouraging a good nights sleep. 


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Seasick Relief

Seasickness is no fun, it can prevent you from basic enjoyments, ferry commutes and holiday cruises. This hypnosis is really for motion sickness on any level. I developed this hypnosis because I have so many fisherman friends that also get seasick and a few friends that get car sick. They take pills, wear bands and try all sorts of things that do work for some and not for others. After trialing this we found it worked really well if it was used 3 times before going on a boat and if still feeling a bit rocky, use it again afterward. Having it on hand means you can use it even if you aren't sure or you know you will have a rough crossing. The Cook Strait Ferries in NZ can be unforgettable rides for some so even if you don't need to hop on a boat regularly, there may come a time it is going to help you out. 


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Self Attune

Attuments are a personal aligment with a single, or set of frequencies that have the power to heal your body, life, emotions or psychological state, but they also can lead you to the path of being a healer. As it has always been said, you cannot be an effective healer, without first healing yourself. To that end even Reiki l was originally used as an expansion tool, Dr Usui himself only trained 16 individuals to master teacher level. The first level WAS the healing on offer for others, so that they may have a permanent solution to what ails them. Self Attune is an expansion without someone else choosing what those frequencies might be. As the found of the Vibrational Expansion Technique of Energy Therapy, I am well aware that the acknowledgment of the limitation of single frequency vibrations is shown in the ongoing need to seek out modalities like rainbow reiki and many other such multi vibrational frequencies. Here you get to do that for yourself without limitations. It is to be advised that if you wish to become an Energy Therapist training is essential, but attunements themselves are personal. 


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Self Discipline

Motivation gets us started on a particlar journey and isn't that hard to find, to maintain that journey and stick to your plan requires discipline. Procrastinate? This is the hypnosis for you. Often seen as the bad boy of personal development Self Discipline represents freedom allowing you to do the things you want to do but can't find the energy or drive for., when you get comfortable with it in any or all areas of your life you will find you don't have to 'make' yourself exercise, clean house or study you will find it easy to stay on track even after you have acheived your goals. Feedback received about this hypnotherapy has been amazing: 'I found myself doing all the things I have been putting off for ages' 'I thought i was lazy but realized i hadn't learned to manage myself' ' I feel really happy, thanks Dorothy, instead of critiizing myself or hiding away because I didn't do what i should be doing, i feel proud of myself every day'  40 minutes duration


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Solfeggio 1: Pain and Body Stress

 Music tuned to the first frequency helps to eliminate pain in the body, toxic emotions and physical stress. This can improve sleep and ones resting rate potentially helping with body  stress of any kind due to a more relaxed state on a daily basis.


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Solfeggio 2: Balance Emotions, Elevate Mood

Balance emotions and elevate the mood. It also promotes communication, love, understanding, and brings harmony into interpersonal relationships. It is perfect when you need a significant boost of love and positivity or are dealing with conflicts in relationships. This brings peace to ones mind and allows you to express, more fully, your true nature. 


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Solfeggio 3: Awaken Intuition & Authenticity

The third frequency helps with problem-solving, cleansing the body, and self-expression. It also helps to awaken intuition and promote living simply and purely. It is ideal if you’re struggling with living a healthy lifestyle, expressing creativity, or speaking your truth


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Solfeggio 4: Inner Strength and Positivity

The fourth frequency helps to replace negative thoughts with positive ones, making it transformative. It is ideal when nervousness or worry makes you feel powerless. It also aids enlivening your inner strength providing solutions where you may have only seen problems.


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Solfeggio 6: Love & Compassion

This meditation and frequency has the ability to reconnect because it allows one to meditate on your self, your life along with the people you value and love, with the skills of the observer. It encourages the detachment that allows you to discern the quality of your life and relationships based on your authentic spiritual self. 


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Solfeggio 7: Mind Potential & Solutions

The seventh frequency allows the mind to expand with the addition of hypnotic suggestion this creates a phenomenal experience, filling your with various solutions and new ways of self-expression. It unwinds a person’s worries and troubles at any time, allowing one to think freely. It creates room for a healthier and stable emotional position and time for more profound intuition


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Solfeggio 8: Harmony & Intuition

Helps create harmony with the universe and yourself: Heighten your intuition and alignment with spiritual laws which in turn aligns you with existence itself, a timeless quality bringing  serenity. Connect with an omnipresent spirit in the universes and bring back harmony to yourself while sharing that harmony beyond yourself.


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Solfeggio 9: Connect to Higher Self

The ninth frequency creates room for oneness and unity. It awakens your interactions with oneness and interconnectedness with the past, present, future, the world and all that is in or on it and the multiple dimensions of existence on all levels.


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Soulmate Meeting a lovely meditation that gives you an energetic link to another person in real time. It can be used to find love, deepen an already existing love or resetting a relationship in trouble. It can also be used to connect to guides and others that can help you on your spiritual journey.


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Sound Healing Complete Series

Sound Healing Series is amazing for engaging your spiritual self in day to day life. The whole program creates an inner landscape that can improve health and happiness every single day. Listen to one a week as many times as you like then move on to the next one. After completing the sessions use as and when you would like, expansion of self is an ongoing joyful process. 


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Sport Recovery

Speedy recovery after heavy or sustained training programs is vital to top performance. Use This Hypnotherapy for general or injury recovery to hasten a return to form, ease discomfort (if you have chronic pain try the painfree hypnosis) and aid in quality rest periods between activities. Releasing muscle tension is well documented as a way to reduce injury potential, listen as often as you like or need to help you maintain your physical condition.


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Take Charge 1: Smoking

Not everyone wants to quite smoking, you may just want to cut back, or not have that feeing of needing a cigarette during dinner, while traveling or in front of the kids. Taking control of your smoking can save you a lot of money and decrease anxiety levels. Listen every day for a few days or a week you may want to decrease by even more after a few weeks. This is a great starter for those who want to quit at some point but are not quite ready yet. 


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Three Gates

Eliminate Resistance to change This meditation aims at taking you through three steps of resistance to the changes you want to make in your life. The beauty here is it doesn't matter what you are resisting, it may be a habit, it may be fear, it may be any change, or it may be a specific thing. You can enter into this knowing that you are resisting or blocking development but not sure why and yet still gain a shift within yourself. You can listen to this as often as you like, or apply it to any life situation at any time when you are unsure why you are resisting or wanting to move past destructive tendencies in the face of getting what you want.


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Unified Heart Meditation

There are many ways to gain balance and expansion and alignment of the chakras, they are all have a different focus and intention. Working with chakras in different ways brings unexpected rewards. Moving beyond the expected style of meditation brings freshness while giving you choices in energy development. After a year of 6 hours meditation daily, Dorothy simplifies the process for you so your energetic enhancement is straight forward and speedy. To be noted that most chakra work leads to interesting experiences that may not be easy to explain, keeping a journal helps to keep these straight in your head and offer you a resource to look back on. 


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